Brenton Point Engagement Photos | Chris + Mari

One thing that I like to do for my proposal clients is to include a little wiggle room in my schedule. Why? Because you never know when it is going to rain! Even though Chris had four days available to propose in Newport, each one of them forecasted rain! Determined to make his proposal and Brenton Point engagement photos a reality, we picked the least rainy day and watched the weather like hawks!

Fortunately, we caught a favorable weather window in the afternoon where the rain was coming down as a fine mist. Somehow, Chris got Mari out of the car and was able to surprise her with his proposal! When I saw them walking out in the rain, I thought surely he had had to spill the beans. But, no! He caught her completely off guard with his surprise engagement at Brenton Point!

Brenton Point Engagement Photos | Chris + Mari

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