Matt + Annie | Engagement Photos in RI

As a engagement photographer in RI, I love photographing the exact moment a couple says “I will” to a future together. While I didn’t photograph the exact moment Annie proposed to Matt, it was still extra special to take their engagement photos in RI…because they’re my friends!

And you might be wondering if that was a typo…”Annie proposed to Matt.” But that’s exactly how it went! And the reason behind it was super sweet. Annie and Matt have worked hard to blend and build their now family of seven. And several years ago, when Matt asked Annie’s daughter what she thought of the possibility of him marrying her mom, she wasn’t down for it. And he respected that.

Fast forward to today, and they’ve built a beautiful family and a successful tile business together. And Annie felt the time was right for showing the kids they were committed to each other – forever. So she bought a ring and decided to propose to Matt. Even though she had a whole speech ready to go, words failed her in the moment. And all she could get out was “I got you a gift. I hope you don’t hate it. It’s in the glovebox.” Eventually Matt found the box and it was a yes.

When I asked Annie what she loved most about Matt, I think she wanted to write me a book. But we narrowed it down (sorta) to the top three things. What first drew Annie to Matt was the way that he talked to his children and prioritized family. She also loved how he allows her to be “powerfully herself,” but also looks after her and protects her in a way that no one else has. The last thing she shared was how she loved that he never tires of seeing her and how he is always excited when she walks in the door.

Matt + Annie | Engagement Photos in RI

Matt and Annie, it was an honor to take your engagement photos! I’m so happy for you guys!

Need a Photographer for Your Portsmouth Engagement?

Schedule a no-obligation phone call and learn about your options for proposals and surprise engagement photography in Portsmouth, RI. I’d love to connect with you!