Ledge Road Proposal | Jordan + Katya

Cliff Walk is always on the forefront of my clients’ minds when they think of proposing in Newport. Oftentimes, they think of the mansions and Forty Steps which are enjoyable stops off of the Cliff Walk. But, there’s a hidden gem towards the end of the Cliff Walk: Ledge Road. A Ledge Road proposal in Newport is bound to be unforgettable.

Surrounded by granite rock and the open ocean, Ledge Road is naturally beautiful. It also tend to be much quieter than other parts of the Cliff Walk. This is because it can be more of a challenge to get to, especially during the summer season.

In the winter, there is parking along the street. In summertime however, parking bans are in place limiting easy access to all except Newport residents. You can still park in other places and walk, but it’s definitely a longer walk.

Jordan and Katya’s proposal took place in March. The March winds were certainly blowing, but they didn’t damper the joy of the moment. After a short walk out onto the rocks, Jordan asked Katya to be his wife. And she said yes!

Ledge Road Proposal | Jordan + Katya

Tips for a Ledge Road Proposal

First, consider scheduling your proposal for the off season or paying attention to parking signs is a must! The ticketing police are very active in this area.

Second, account for the wind. If you are planning on hiring a Newport proposal photographer, it might be a good idea to encourage your girlfriend to wear her hair up! It’s going to be windy by the water and you don’t want her hair to obscure the critical moment!

Finally, wear appropriate footwear. Heels are a risky bet. There is a short paved walkway on either side of the trail, but after that the terrain is rugged.

Need a Photographer for Your Newport Surprise Proposal?

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