90th Birthday Party at the Middletown FOP | Mary Martin

Recently I had the pleasure of photographing Mary Martin’s 90th birthday party at the Middletown FOP. Mary arrived in style to the event, riding in a green classic car that was also about her age! Surrounded by friends and family, Mary enjoyed a slide show with photos and events from her life and, of course, cake!

I arrived at the event not knowing much about Mary. But it soon became clear that she was both well-known and well-loved by both her family and the community. Her daughters expressed that she was an amazing and supportive mother, and they were quite proud of her career.

Heidi describes her as a “trendsetter,” pursuing careers usually dominated by men: first the military, then law enforcement as a police officer, and finally as a fire safety inspector. She worked hard her whole life, retiring at the age of 80! She loved her work as a fire safety inspector and was loved by the folks at the fire department where she worked. Many of them showed up to celebrate with her at the party, much to Mary’s delight!

Most recently, Mary overcame two hip fractures and three major types of cancer – a testimony to her determination and strength. It was an honor to meet such a remarkable woman who had such a strong impact on her family and community. Happy 90th Birthday Mary!

For more about Mary’s story, check out this article in the Portsmouth Times.

Mary’s 90th Birthday Party at the Middletown FOP

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