Castle Hill Lighthouse Engagement | Tyler + Kayci

Tyler called me a week before his Castle Hill Lighthouse engagement to Kayci because he wanted “to always have a reminder of how beautiful she looks in that moment” and he wanted “to have a beautiful reminder of when we started the rest of our lives together.”

Tyler and Kayci’s connection runs deep. Tyler told me they first met when they were 10 or 11 in a Footloose musical theater class and later became friends when they started doing theater together in high school. They dated through college, then broke up for a season, but never found that same connection with anyone else. Recently, they reconnected, and Tyler shared that “Our love quickly rekindled and we both knew we wanted to be together for the rest of our lives.” Kayci was ready so she picked out the diamond that she wanted and asked Tyler “nearly everyday when it’s happening.”

When I asked Tyler what Kayci’s personality was like, he had many lovely things to say about her! He share that: “She’s charismatic and magnetic. She lights up a room when she walks in and everyone she ever meets wants to be her best friend. She is fun-loving and sarcastic, she’s constantly making jokes and teasing people. She has a heart of gold…and is incredibly smart and intuitive.”

Tyler and Kayci’s Castle Hill Lighthouse engagement reflected that deep connection they share and I think their pictures show it!

Castle Hill Lighthouse Engagement | Tyler + Kayci

Congratulations Tyler and Kayci! I hope you have a wonderful engagement and that your marriage will bring you much happiness for the years to come!

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