Cliff Walk Proposal at Forty Steps | Mike + Victoria

Congrats to Mike and Victoria on their engagement! Mike contacted me about a week before his Cliff Walk proposal to Victoria. Capturing his proposal was important to him because he wanted to remember “the feeling of my partner’s and my love for each other” and have something to look back on when they are older.

One thing I enjoy about proposals is getting to know my client’s story! Mike and Victoria’s story started during the pandemic when they matched on Hinge. Mike told me that “when I first met her sitting on a park bench waiting for me, I knew she was the one I’d marry. The rest is history!” Almost sounds like love at first sight! When I asked Mike what he loved most about Victoria, he had so many lovely things to say:

“1) Our personalities are complementary and allow us to be ourselves, whether that means we can be goofy or if we’re a team working towards a particular goal
2) She is strong and independent and pushes me to be a better person everyday.
3) She is as much of a hopeless romantic as I am and we both celebrate our love for each other!”

Doesn’t get any better than that, does it?

In the days leading up to the proposal, Mike and I probably checked the weather a million times. With rain in the forecast, it wasn’t looking good. About a day or so before however, the rain looked like it was going to hold off so his Cliff Walk proposal was a go! I got there early to scope things out and the Forty Steps area of Cliff Walk was busy. To ensure a degree of privacy, we changed locations slightly and planned the proposal for the Cliff Walk nearby. To add a little drama, it started sprinkling right before the couple arrived! But despite the rain, the proposal was beautiful and it was clear that the weather couldn’t dampen their joy!

Cliff Walk Proposal at Forty Steps | Mike + Victoria

Congrats Mike and Victoria! It was an honor to photograph your engagement and I wish you the best as you plan your future together.

Need a Photographer for Your Cliff Walk Proposal?

Schedule a no-obligation phone call and learn about your options for proposals and surprise engagement photography in Newport, RI. I’d love to connect with you!